Privacy statement

Toitū Te Ao is dedicated to protecting the privacy of all personal and sensitive information, guided by our values of aroha, manaakitanga, tiakitanga, and wairua. Our policy statement aligns with our Confidentiality policy, and reflects our commitment to upholding the mana of people living with HIV and whānau.

This privacy policy applies to your access to, and use of, our website. It also applies when you complete a webform, or online survey.

1. Definitions

In this policy:

“our”, “we”, or “us” means Toitū te Ao

“you” means you, the person visiting our website or accessing our services

“services” means all goods or services we provide, and anything else we do for you

2. What kind of personal information we collect

We only gather fully consented information for specific, legitimate reasons, respecting the tapu and mana of the information we are collecting.

If you are only browsing and reading information on our website, then we may collect and store the following information about your visit:

your online device information, such as your IP address and device identifier (whether you’re on an iPhone, Android, Mac, PC etc.), the operating system and the browser your device uses, your browsing behaviour (which pages you view), the date and time of your visit, generalised location data (eg. which city you’re in),

If you engage with a web form, such as a contact form, of a form on survey monkey, we may collect the following information in order to reply to you:

your name, your email address, your phone number, your postal address, any information you provide including gender, sexuality, age, ethnicity, your place of work and position the content of any messages that you send via our forms (if provided by you).

3. How we share your information

We’ll never share your personal data with anyone unless required to by law, or approved by you.

4. How we use your information

Information is only used for the purpose it was collected, and will not be shared or disclosed without proper consent, honouring the principles of manaakitanga and kaitiakitanga.

5. Advertising and analytics

We don’t use any cookies on our website. We do use a range of third-party cookies via our analytics platforms. In these cases, your information may be used by that third party in accordance with its own privacy policy, such as Google Analytics or SurveyMonkey.

If you don’t want to use any cookies, most browsers allow you to control and manage the use of cookies through your browser settings.

6. How we store and protect your personal information

All private information is stored securely and protected from unauthorised access, with tikanga observed where appropriate. We only keep your personal information for as long as it’s needed in connection with the purposes for which it was collected, or as otherwise required by law.

7. Your privacy rights

You can access or ask us to update or correct your personal information by contacting us

8. Changes to this policy

We may change this policy at any time. Any change we make applies from the date specified below.