Uplifting the dignity of Māori living with HIV
Toitu te Tangata
Toitu te Whenua
Toitu te Ao
We stand undisturbed on our land Aotearoa, and in amongst the world.
Nau mai ra haere mai ra ki tenei wahanga hei pakari hoki te wairua te tinana te whatumanawa o te tangata! Tihei Mauri Ora
Welcome to Toitū te Ao – empowering and supporting Māori Living with HIV in Aotearoa.
At Toitū te Ao, we are a kaupapa Māori driven organisation. This means led by Māori living with HIV, for Māori living with HIV.
Our approach is centered on hauora (overall wellbeing) and support in a way that uplifts the mana of every person we serve.
Our mission is to promote awareness, educate, and reduce stigma through a culturally responsive lens, fostering whānau ora and holistic well-being.
While our focus is on Māori and Indigenous communities, our doors are open to anyone seeking support. We are here to stand with you, offering support, advocacy, and a safe space for anyone affected by HIV, including whānau.