

Toitū Te Ao is involved with a variety of research projects, both here in Aotearoa and internationally…

About the research

Developed in collaboration with Positive Women Inc, this report shares the key findings and recommendations from a community-led research project on the experiences of people ageing with HIV in Aotearoa New Zealand. The research focus was on honouring the voices and lived experiences of participants. Grounded in the principles of manaakitanga and whanaungatanga, the report offers nine key recommendations, paving the way for future actions where respect, dignity, hauora, and connectedness are prioritised.

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In response to the report recommendation, Toitū te Ao in collaboration with Positive Women Inc and Burnett Foundation Aotearoa, initiated the first online resource to help improve the hauora of people living with HIV, and ageing, by providing:

  • non-clinical information and tools for Kaimahi | Support Workers

  • information and support for people living and ageing with HIV.

This website is grounded in te Ao Māori hauora (Māori worldview of health and wellbeing) and is founded on respect and compassionate care.

Ageing with HIV online resource


Whakauae is embarking on a new project looking at Māori experiences of HIV prevention and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) access. Toitu Te Ao has been involved with ensuring the design approach is safe for Māori.

Learn more about the research - Click the logo below:

Toitū te Tangata
Toitū te Whenua
Toitū te Ao

We stand undisturbed as a people, we stand undisturbed on our land, we stand undisturbed in this world.