Ngā kaupapa tautoko
Our Services
At Toitū Te Ao, we are committed to providing
mana-enhancing services for Māori and Indigenous peoples living with and affected by HIV.
No matter how people identify — takatāpui, straight, male, female, or transgender, our services are here for everyone.
What’s on this page:
At Toitū te Ao, one of our primary focusses is providing support for Māori and Pasifika people living with HIV.
The types of services we currently offer, include:
1:1 peer support for people newly diagnosed
Whānau support
Navigation with social support services
Access to counselling services
Connection and network with other peers
With a great network of allies, Toitū te Ao, works hard to attend hui, wānanga, events and online forums to ensure the voices of Māori and indigenous people living with HIV are heard and included.
Ko au ko koe, ko koe ko au. I am you, you are me.
We tirelessly advocate to ensure meaningful collaboration for Māori and ensure Māori have a place in the decision-making table of all things affecting Māori!
Check out the newsletters to see more of our mahi in this space.
Toitū te Tiriti
HIV and syphilis testing
Toitū Te Ao provides free, rapid HIV and syphilis testing in a safe, supportive environment. We also attend public events, offering culturally responsive testing and education to empower our communities.
When you know your status, you can keep yourself and your whānau safe.
For more information visit Better2know or Contact us to kōrerō about organising a test for yourself or Toitu Te Ao testing at your community event.
Toitū te Tangata
Toitū te Whenua
Toitū te Ao
We stand undisturbed as a people, we stand undisturbed on our land, we stand undisturbed in this world.